
Japan Interior Design

Japan house interior design, most models adopt a simple / minimalist, whether modern or traditional forms. Furniture in the house is usually very simple and boxy, just like feature minimalist furniture. This is because the selection of furniture is more to the function, not as an ornamental.

For wall materials, windows, and limiting the room, mostly with paper material. One characteristic of Japanese-style dwelling is a floor paved with tatami. Tatami is a kind of carpet or rather a thick mat made ​​of woven straw. Tatami is usually placed in the dining room lesehan Jepang.

The door also shaped sliding door. Additional interior is usually a light lanterns, paintings, or plants in place in the corner.


Unique Room Design

In designing the room, sometimes we need unique ideas, like the picture above. We can design a family room that makes us comfortable. We could put the sofa round, making a beautiful garden, complete with colored stones. The walls are also in the design that resembles a mushroom house, with bright paint. Circumstances cozy family room, making the residents of the house to be at home stay at home.


Bathroom Design

The bathroom is the most important room in a residential building. Planning the location, shape and type of equipment that is in it should be planned so that people who are using the bathroom to feel comfortable in it.

Garden Interior

Each building must have an inch of vacant land. This little land will be very decisive for the add beauty home. Each building must have an inch of vacant land. This small land will determine your home to add beauty. Display a park certainly did not depend on the size and area of ​​land. When done with care and a mature design, a small garden can beautify homes overall. There are various ways for small garden seem adorable and admirable. Having a small garden at home is highly recommended because in addition to beautify the face of the house will also be very good for the health and psychological.  

Structuring the living room

 Arranging the living room at home with varying sizes is a challenge. In addition to deserving guests, this space must be set for comfortable and memorable are not full.

For the sake of practicality, some people deny the living room in his house. In the tiny houses, living room function is often combined with other space. For example, guests who were admitted directly familiar in the family room. Meanwhile, other guests quite welcome on the patio home.
But for some people, the living room remains a very important part because the living room reflects the character of the owner. For homes with a mediocre size of course in addition to deserving guests, this room should be arranged in such a way so as not to spend too much room. For homeowners that is wide enough, this certainly would not be a problem.

Home Interior Design

Some points to consider in home interior design, are:

1. Furniture
Designing furniture with consideration egonomi form, function, style, finish durability, structural stability in use, select rail drawers, hinges and handle the right, as well as determining the use of materials and placement in space.